Saturday, March 5, 2011

Judging Relation - Psychic Human tendency

Hi All,

It's nice to be back; though it's long time but never late. I talked about Importance of Relationship in my previous post to know the relationship. It's a psychic human tendency to judge relationship, be it any.

One of my friend was supposed to get married but their marriage was called-off just because of few "Social Networking Websites". Friends, relationship should never by judged. At-least not by some websites. A relationship should be entirely based on Trust. When you feel a person is cheating on you, give them a chance to speak. It happens many times that what you see is not true.

If you feel you need to judge the relationship with your partner, be it any relationship, be frank and converse with your partner. Let them understand you and try to understand them. You would agree by this way that what you see on "Social Networking Website" does not exactly defines it.

As it happened with my friend I would wish never happens to anyone of you. So, cheer up and let your partner know your true feelings about them. As said it's late but never sorry.

Cheer Up!!!

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