Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Importance of Relationship

Relationship... When this word struck in mind, our mind goes in flash-back and changes our current mood. It can make our mood happy, upset or sad.

Relationship can be of many kinds; a relation becomes only when there are 2 or more person involved. Friendship, Parent-Child, Siblings, Lover, Husband-Wife, Colleagues, Employer-Employee, and many more. These meaningful words were given by humans. We say "He is my friend", "She is my Love", "they are my parents", "my manager is good", "my reportee isn't working", and others; but do we really know what is behind every relation?

Every relationship starts with 2 strangers, then they give the name to relation. How do they give name? There are some relations which are pre-defined like parents, brother, sister, manager, employee. In every relation it is the amount of bonding you share with the stranger.

You must be having friends but you categorize them as good friends, best friends, more than friend, etc. The bas-line of relation is how much comfortable you feel talking to the other person. When you evaluate the comfort, you name the relation.

Relationship, be it any is very very important in life. It teaches you how to live life and why to live life. Since birth you get into some or other relation and you leave all those relations when you die. It means the time you are in this world, there is someone with whom you are attached, with whom you feel very much comfortable. When you are happy, you need someone to share your feelings and that someone will not be a stranger but one who is in relation with you. When you are upset, sometimes you don't feel to talk to anyone; at that time someone who is in relation with you handles you. All these relations gives you joy, happiness, and you forget all your worries and concentrate on you life. This is why Relationship is very important.

Naming a relationship, doesn't mean you are in the relationship; you need to accept that relation with the bottom of your heart. Think over of each and every person you know and ask yourself "Are you really maintaining that relation"? If you feel dicey about any relation then either come out, or accept it. Today, people are happy because of relationship. People are sad because of relationship. Decide yourself whether you want to live a happy life or sad life. Always remember, the life which you are living, the days you passed will never come back. So, decide very calmly, talk to yourself and come to conclusion. You don't have enough time to waste thinking.

I wish you live a very happy life and maintain all the relations you are in very truly.

All the Best!!!

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