In this competitve world you will be seeing lots of competitors around you. You need to have something in you which will put you on top of others. The major part is played by your CV. I'll show you how to make your CV so that in screening it doesn't gets filtered out.
I have seen many CV's of fresher's as well as lateral's (experienced people) and was disappointed to see their CV's. I don't know what on Earth stops them proving their skills. Anyways, will not bore you more :) , let's proceed with making your CV stand-apart from others.
In your professional life, you will be fresher once and lateral later-on.
CV for fresher's:
A CV should have information regarding your Personal details, Skills, Academic-Qualifications, Extra-Curricular activities, the internship details. You would think this is what you had in your CV, then how will it become extra-ordinary CV. The important thing is order of the items placed in CV.
The order of items to be placed in CV should be:
- Skills
- Qualification details
- Computer knowledge
- Extra-Curricular details (if any)
- Project details (if any in internship / training) [optional]
- Other Projects (you developed as a part of Self-initiative) [Optional]
- Personal details which includes
- Full name
- Permanent Address
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Passport details (if any) [Optional]
- Hobbies (if any) [Optional]
1. Skills: Skill will describe your personality, Confidence, Passion. So, this plays major role. When an employer is recruiting a fresher, they are aware that the candidate has to learn everything. There comes your role to prove that you are the best-fit for the position.
2. Academics: Some employers have to meet their criteria (HR policy [very few employees like that]), so they will look into your score in academics.
3. Computer Profeciency: In today's world, in any job Computer knowledge has become must. Whether you are going for Management job or technical job, computer knowledge is must. So, write what you know.
4. Extra-Curricular: This is also one of the major item in CV. It shows "how Proactive you are". Employers verifies whether the candidate is proactive or not.
5. and 6. Project details: Any project you have done in the duration of your curriculum. Try never to write fake projects, because the one who interview you is very smart. The project details should include "Project Title", "For whom the project was done", "the team-size", "the project-duration" and a brief explanation of the project.
7. Personal details: Personal details should always be the lat item in the CV. As none are interested in the employee's personal details rather they are interested in the Confidence of candidate.
You CV should have your email-id (if you don't have get 1), your contact number. Place these information along-with your name in the Header of the Word-document file.
Some important points:
- Use the font as "Arial" with Size "10"
- The page-size should be "A4" with margins as "1 inch" from all 4 sides.
CV for lateral's:
A CV should have information regarding your Personal details, Technical / Management Skills, Professional Summary, Professional Experience, Achievements. The CV for lateral's has to be more informative than fresher's.
The order of items to be placed in CV should be:
- Professional Summary
- Technical / Management Skills
- Professional Experience
- Other Projects (you developed as a part of Self-initiative) [Optional]
- Professional achievements (if any)
- Academic Profile and achievements
- Personal details which includes
- Full name
- Permanent Address
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Passport details
- Hobbies (if any) [Optional]
1. Professional Summary: Here, write in brief about your total experience, relevant experience. You are working for which domain / technology / in what sector.
2. Techical / Management Skills: Skills are important as now you are no-more fresher and employer is interested in knowing what you know.
3. and 4. Professional Experience: It includes all the Projects you worked on in all the companies. The project details should include "Project Title", "Client-name", "the team-size", "Your Role in project", "the project-duration" and a brief explanation of the project.
5. Professional achievements: Details of your achievements when you ar on-roll. The awards, accolades you received from an Organization. The seminars / workshops you attended or you conducted.
6. Academics: No need to mention entire academics, write about last 2 acedemics with the score. If there are any achievements then mention that.
7. Personal details: Personal details should always be the lat item in the CV. As none are interested in the employee's personal details rather they are interested in the Confidence of candidate.
You CV should have your email-id (if you don't have get 1), your contact number. Place these information along-with your name in the Header of the Word-document file.
Some important points:
- Use the font as "Arial" with Size "10"
- The page-size should be "A4" with margins as "1 inch" from all 4 sides.
- Make sure the CV should never be of more than 4 pages
Good one. Attach some sample sir if possible for the newbees. As for lateral it's fine