Monday, October 11, 2010

What to do when you feel LOW

Hi Friend,

Hope you are doing good. Do you sometimes feel Low, as if everything has been taken away from you? Then there are some remedies to again feel High, on the top of Skies.

There are instances in our life, when we feel that "Now No More...", "Why Me???". But, never take those instances to loose youself. Take those instances as challenge, to prove you can do better. We are here to earn Respect, to give Respect, to earn Fame, to earn Money.... of which most important is "To Give Respect". If you give Respect to anyone, you earn Respect (this is Guaranteed). When you earn Respect, you earn Fame..... and when there is Fame, you don't have time to count Money 'coz it rains...

As in the previous post, I said that I followed my path where my Dad took me. Initially I regretted. I was doing my B.Sc from "Xavier's College, Ahmedabad". I scored good in Mi-term exams and was known amongst the girls. Being a college student, I wished if I had a girl with me too :) but, my Dad pushed me into I.T that too Diploma. At that time, I didn't even know how to switch ON the computer, but I accepted that as my fate and a challenge that I can do better. As time passed, I see myself as a Software Professional, started developing software's for some clients. Posted few on Internet for free and was shocked when I received a mail stating "Anil, We liked your work. Would you like to work for our company?" That day I realized, whatever we do today will result into Good tomorrow.

I respected my Parents decision, indirectly they respected me. Based on that I earned fame, people knowing me and contacting me to develop software's for them / their Organization. When you have Fame.... nobody can stop you earning money.

So, if you feel you are Low, Lonely. Just forget everything and proceed towards your Goal. If you need to move ahead, you don't need to look back. Just, learn from the Past, don't live in Past. Once you are through with it, Nobody in the World can stop you achieving what you want, gaining success which is already yours.


  1. "earn from the Past, don't live in Past"
    well said my dear friend!!!

  2. Bravo ! Patience is the key. Your experience reflects that ! Keeping faith & giving your 100% percent in things you do, will definitely reward in the end !
